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Hardwoods // Materials I use in the shop

I wanted to just talk a little bit about the varieties of wood that I currently have stocked in the shop. There is nothing more beautiful than working with a rich grained timber and bringing a carving to life with oils and waxes. Every piece of timber offers something unique and working with the inherent nature of the material as I am creating a piece is something that I wanted to convey. It is also my hope that using these timbers and natural finishes will deepen the connection that you as practitioners have with your tools as working objects. 

I currently have boards of oak, sycamore, mahogany and walnut ready to work in the shop. I tailor my material suggestion to the individual designs -- oak being a wonderful material for the pendulum boards, especially with a deep wax; whilst I'm excited to carve a Trithemius' Table Of Practice into some of the walnut.

The Table Of Practice that I utilise in my own work is carved from English sweet chestnut and is a beautiful and very personal addition to my toolset. Anyway, I hope these woods will also enchant your praxis.

Some choice cuts that are on the shelf right now...

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